Today, the Hospitality crew cleaned the housing site for all the hard workers, and put cute encouraging notes with candy on each pillow. Quotes like, “Chancho. When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room. It's for fun.” (Nacho Libre) Or, “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” (Obi-Wan from Star Wars) These funny, crazy girls had a great time doing their hostility thing.
Ashley and Rachel, two of the girls’ part of the hospitality crew, cheered up the sweaty work crews with Otter Pops. Wahoo! Something cold! The icy treats were a delight to have when you are working for seven hours in 102-degree heat.
With a long days work, it was time for grub, and the Kitchen Crew cooked hamburgers! This geared the team up for Kids Club, which was a success! The team made cute cloth fishes and played games with the Navajo children.
It is an uplifting feeling to know that the LORD had brought together the VBC Team to do such great thing. Please keep us in your prayers on these last couple if days we want to thank everyone who has supported the team. ☺
<3 Ashley Rodondi
P.S. Mom and Dad, I love you and thank you for giving me the opportunity to come on this adventure!
P.P.S. Tony loves you all - <3 Tony DiBlasio
Here are some pictures from our photographers on the trip:

Stephanie...looks like it's your lucky year-no cattle grates??!! Miss you alot. PTL that the ministry is going well! Praying for you all!!
-WAY to go ASHLEY and RACHEL!!
~Michael Chew
Romans 12:5-8
What a true blessing you all are to the Navajo. May your each grow in the true meaning of servanthood and discipleship. Have fun, stay cool, and travel safely. We'll be in prayer for your Thursday evening program.
P.S. A special "hello" to Michael.
I am loving the pictures. Even though I haven't been in 4 years, it feels like yesterday! Please give Lula and all of the Clarks a hug for me! And tell Alex McNely hi and I love her. Praying for you all to have a wonderful week of working hard & staying healthy!
Megan (Koenig) Nadalet
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