Hello everyone thanks again for your prayers it really helps. Our team has had the minimum amount of injuries and sickness is not a problem for all of us 95 missionary journeyers.
Today is Wednesday and our official full workday on the mission and throughout the Navajo community. Tomorrow we will have some teams going out to work until 12 to finish off what tey have left at their work sites.
A fun fact for all of you is when our team comes to the mission we accomplish about an approximately 30 man hours of work combined. This is amazing and truely encourages the people here at the mission or on the rez.
Tomorrow night we have our annual "pizza party" where we invite all the Navajo to come and eat with us and watch our dramas. Please pray that we can encourage the other believers within the community and that the gospel message will be clearly presented through all the hard work with the dramas.
P.S. The dramas are so good that we might start touring the country, so be prepared parents for your children to away longer.

Jilly bean!!!!! We've all been thinking about you and praying for you (and everyone else) too. We enjoy reading the blog everyday and looking for a picture of you :-). The boys found an apartment and Mowgli mewed a miss you and we all send you our love!!xoxoxo
Mom and Dad and the cat sitters (Alex & Pete)
Ashley Rodondi -
Celebrate the dramas and pizza party tonight! We pray for safe travels home.
Mom, Dad, Dante & Veronica
P.S. don't break my pottery! LOL
Glad to see Stephanie in so many pictures - someone is doing a good job of following her around and taking pictures of her working. Praying constantly. Love my girls!
Modge (Kim Chew)
I've been quite remiss this year. In case anyone is looking for baseball updates, the A's beat the Red Sox 2 games out of 3. Pretty awesome! Have safe travels on your trip home.
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