So we just finished lunch and are heading back out to finish up our last full day of work.
We had one of the most unbelievable storms that we have ever experienced on the reservation last night! Luckily all of our Kid's Club crews got back from their sites before the rain really started. The storm lasted at least five hours (late into the night) and caused the lights and power to go out off an on the whole evening. The lightning was amazing and the thunder was really loud. At one point we could see the lightning all around us. It was a very inspiring experience to be surrounded by God's power and we were all very appreciative that we had shelter and flashlights!! We had an incredible worship service while the rain poured and the lightning flashed outside.
Please pray that God will continue to have His hand of protection over us and that our group would continue to persevere and finish our work on the Reservation strong.
Hey everyone...Wow i am really missing being there. Looks like there are some capable hands there to fill my spot. Tim was that really a tool you were holding..and ashley (My Buddy) was that actually a donkey you were riding. I know god is blessing you in so many ways. Hugs to you spence
Have a Great Day!!
Tell Spencer that it is good to see he is back on the retaining wall crew (or at least near it). I'm sure his three years of retaining wall expertise will be invaluable for the crew.
Hi my roomates!!!
I am back from Africa and missing you two!!!!!!! My goal is to stay up past 8:00 tonight. Fifi, I am impressed that you have graduated to the blog! Please give each other a hug for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN. (I hope Sarah gave you the card from me on your birthday.) I am praying for your time in Arizona!
love you! Allison
Hey Chad, Your uncomputerized mom can't get into your fantasy baseball site to change things. I don't know your sign-in info. Help!!!
I am enjoying the blog updates and glad you all were able to experience God's awesome power in seeing the lightning storm.
Love ya, (Mom)Wynonna
um... what's going on with bubbles?? i sure do miss seeing her beautiful face on the site. tried to show my friend her pic the other day but for some reason it was down... bummer!
Hey Everyone, I'm so happy to see all the pictures! Love,love,love all of them! I miss you girls sooo much and I'm counting the days. I went out to dinner with Lynard it was fun. I have been swimming laps every night. I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!Love you!!!!!Kortney I loved to see your ig guns, I need to see a pix of Kristi. Love Momma
Hi Luke and Stephen, Great to see your funny faces at the blogspot. It looks like Stephen's muscles are about to overtake yours, Luke. Better start working out with the pick! We are praying for you guys and it is very quiet around here. Dad bought a car for you, Luke, (1992 Subaru SVX 23O hp) and said if you don't like it you can have the Legend. It is silver with blue flames coming off the front tires. HOT! Nanay got in an accident today but is okay. A cat killed one of Dad's quail. Give a cup of water to somebody!
Love, Mom, Dad, Muriel Greenaway
dear sarah,
i miss you and i am sorry for not being a good blogger and doing this sooner. i miss you and i am still sad i could not go. i hope your having tons of fun but not to much because then that would just be selfish. haha tell angela i love her and tell christina 2007(xtina) not to mess up in the kitchen. haha jk i know she will do great. if i am not mistaken i believe it was pizza/party night tonight well atleast for the navajo and fo rhte rest of you leftovers. haha still good. haha i love you all! and i hope your a doing great! i have definately been praying for you all and i miss everyone : )
much love,
Christina Blake
we miss you and we love you.
fifi and smalls
Hi Everyone, It looks like you are all feeling God's awesome love and power on this trip. Jen I am glad to hear you sound so positive about thunder and lightning because I know you have always hated it in the past. We love you and miss you- see you soon. Love, Mom(Marilyn)
P.S. I hope you are being good to yourself Cathy and taking it easy.
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