Last night was our first night reuniting and meeting with our Kid's Club families. There were several long-awaited reunions!! We can't wait to spend the rest of the week with them. We also met several new families and are excited to spend time getting to know them.
Today we were slow to get up after a late night of amazing devo's but ready to work after lots of caffeine. We had an tasty breakfast and got to work. We are eating a wonderful meal made up of Chinese cuisine and getting ready to head out to Kid's clubs yet again!
We will continue to update you of our adventures here serving God. We are definitely feeling your amazing prayers...keep them coming!
P.S. A special message for Mr. Jim Foster...Happy Birthday Pop! Hope you feel respected, appreciated, loved and celebrated today - because you ARE!! We love you. Love, Natalie and Jason.
Yeah, first post!!!
Well, I just wanted to say I miss you guys more then I thought I would!!! But I am glad to hear that things are going well.
Whoever got to go to the Chee's house for kids club, can you please tell them Jason Hicks said hi and I miss them.
So yeah, I just want to encourage everyone to really invest in what God has planned for you there. Look for opportunities to share his never ending Love to the Navajo...
God Bless,
Jason Hicks
Oh and some side notes that should be announced to these people...
Hey Chad, your mom hasn't change your baseball roster yet kinda sucks for you, you should have had me do it...
Hey Josh, I'm sorry you don't have your sleeping buddy with you. Must be hard to sleep at night...
Hey Stephen, I hope you aren't dropping Katlin on her head anymore in dance practice.
Hope you are all having fun. Are the kids really there?? We parents need pictures! Work hard and drink water. Let God shine through each of you. Love and hugs to you Spence and to all of the other people Dennis is missing!
well. you've gone and done it. 4 is in love. he hasnt stopped running his beak since he saw the picture. he'd like me to pass a message on for bubbles, he says "your feather pattern makes me weak, if i don't meet you soon i'll smash my beak."
who would have thought 4 was a poet?
was reading some piper just now and thought of how blessed i am to know all of you! may you enter into the worship of our glorious Father as you all continue to realize that all blessings and gifts are from him..
"the sunbeams of blessing in our lives are bright in and of themselves. they also give light to the ground where we walk. but there is a higher purpose for these blessings. God means for us to do more than stand outside them and admire them for what they are. even more, he means for us to walk into them and see the sun from which they come. if the beams are beautiful, the sun is even more beautiful. God's aim is not that we merely admire his gifts, but, even more, his glory."
-john piper
looking forward to sunday!
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