We arrived at Immanuel Mission late on Saturday night safe and ready for bed. We went straight to bed after unpacking and we were rested and ready for our time on the Reservation to start on Sunday morning. We woke up and went out to Green Valley for our traditional Outdoor church and communion. We found a wonderful spot (in the shade this year) to have our service.
We woke up this morning ready to go to work. We currently have four teams working offsite doing things like roofing, painting and building a shed. We also have four teams working on projects around the mission such as

cleaning out the cattle crossing, weeding, trimming trees and building a retaining wall.
We are also leading a basketball camp for the Navajo children. They are already working hard and learning lots of new skills. There are about 24 children attending and I am sure t
hat number will grow throughout the rest of the day and evening!! It should be a lot of hard work and fun for that team.
We are all very excited to get to our Kid's Club sites tonight to reunite with our Navajo families.
Thank you so much for your prayers. We can really feel God moving and motivating us to work hard for Him!!