Hi everyone! This is Angela Blake, Christina Burke, and Meghan Marell. First off, thank you for everyone who has been praying for us! God has been blessing us in many ways. Tonight was the big pizza night where everyone was invited to eat pizza, watch our skits,

watch us bust some moves with our dance, and just hung out with the local navajo people. The people who came were people from our work sites, kids clubs, and anyone else who wanted to come! The gym and play ground was filled smiles and kids. So pizza night started at 6:30 and lots of people came in around 5ish... they really wanted that pizza. we didn't get any haha. Everyone sat down on the bleachers and the skits began!

We started out with the skit "Stomp,"

which was directed by Ryan Weber. The stomp crew improved a lot since wednesday night and blew the navajo out of Sweet Water. After stomp we had the wonderful repeat skit of "Creation," which was directed by Dan Bowen and Tony Santoro. The whole message about creation was just sharing what God created- like the moon, stars animals, water, adam and eve... and everything else. Next up we had "Sin Struggle" which was directed by Justin Bowen and Jason Hicks... It was an intense drama that showed how sin can take over someones life and how Satan can get a hold of it. Thanks to Jesus he came into the picture and saved these people from sin. And finally we did the dance! It went really well surprisingly because all of us couldn't stop laughing during it.

The Navajo people loved it! After all of that we gave all the basketball kids awards for their hard work and we also gave them brand new basketballs! After our last day of hard work we said our goodbyes to the Navajo and we are looking forward to our recreation activities tomorrow...We love you guys and we thank you again for your prayers!

glad things went well. be safe on the ride home. praying that God continues to work in and through you as you journey home. love you all.
First thing that stands out about the pictures is how everyone from our group has huge circles under their eyes, looks exhausted, but is still smiling! Happy Trails and God Bless!
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