hey readers. it's sarah. this trip has been amazing so far. last night we spent devo's (devotionals for all you non-fluent in christianese) underneath the open sky of the reservation in the midst of an incredible lightening and thunder storm. we all flew kites with metal keys attached to the end and played this game called "who will be the next ben franklin?".

just kidding. we were all very safe and away from the lightening. we actually opened up the time with stories about how the Lord has been moving in the midst of our work projects and kids camp. it's has been two days and already lives are being changed. how

awesome is our God? one story in paticular was about a medicine man (navajo spiritual leader who practice healing rituals and summoning spirits etc..) who for years would not have anything to do with Christ. and just yesterday he was at a kids club asking questions and showing a huge interest in understanding how to accept Christ. CRAZY!

after stories we worshipped through music with the incredible view of God's power in the lightening storm and ended the time with proclaiming outloud His majesty through definitions of who He is. it was awesome.

as we ended the night, each of us grabbed a piece of tanbark (that's what we sleep on) and brought it inside to the gym. there was a bbq set up and we were asked to think of one thing in our lives that is seperating us from God. after an inspiring testimony/talk from Ryan Weber we were given the opportunity to throw our tanbark into the bbq. each piece was burned in the fire as we prayed and released those things. a very powerful activity. we topped the night off with rootbeer floats and prayer partners. who could ask for more? (i was kidding about sleeping on tanbark. it's actually more like a soft red dirt..)
so that brings us to today. wednesday. which is not in my title or subject. so i will leave you with this.

wednesday is going well thus far. it has not yet fully happened. but what has happened has been good. i'm on the hospitality team and we cleaned showers and toilets and moppped our red dirt floor. it was glorious. its amazing that in the midst of God's presence and power any job seems like the best job ever. even if it means cleaning up after gross boys.
ok. i'm out. love you guys.
p.s. if darlie is reading... chan is missing you. only 725 1/2 days to go.

I think about you constantly, so am constantly in prayer for you. May the God that protected David from the spear of Saul, protect you also as you "wander the dessert". May your faith grow, may your fellowship be sweet, and may your phone messages from home be - not too embarassing! Kim Chew
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.....many blessings be upon you! How wonderful to be in the Lord's service, to see His masterpiece all around you and also have the sweet fellowship of dear friends to share in the experience. Can't wait to hear the stories of all your adventures.
Special love to Dan and Em.
Momma Gillette
Thank you for all the blog news. The sky looks beautiful there. It is a blessing to hear how God is using you. We pray he will continue to bless you and use you all. If someone gets a chance, ask a person familiar with the history of the mission about Laverne Dyck. He was a friend who went to work there with his family in the seventies. He died at a young age of cancer. I never learned much about what he did there. Special love to Muriel & Stephen.
Terry, Beth, Luke, Ginger Greenaway
Ok, another A's update. Just when you lose hope, they win 2 out of 3 against the #1 team. Go figure. But not without a cost. Crosby is now out with a broken hand (hit by a pitch).
Still no Bonds news.
Cherish your time there - some day you'll look back at what an amazing time of personal growth it was for you!
Love, Claire K.
so i am silently stalking this blog, and saying huge prayers for you all wonderful people. the lord bless you and keep you. love you all.
oh and carina is in arizona!! i am overjoyed! you are so loved by me and i am so excited to hear all thew ways the lord has moved in you when you get back. give your wee cousin a hug for me.
venessa....ha it still says rudy
So good to read about how well things are going. Baseball update: The A's lost today 7-6. They came back against K-Rod in the 9th to tie it up then the Angels scored in the bottom of the 9th. The Giants played 13 innings last night so Bonds took the night off. Advice for the day: dark glasses and hats are good sun protection--wear them. PS hello Bradley.
Sarah,your blog totally rocked!!!!!(ok, think we're a bit partial?!!). Seriously loving the updates--it does our hearts good to hear how our huge God continues to work in touchable ways! So grateful for the safety and impact He is granting. Hey, whose palm do we need to grease to get like a million photos of our daughter and niece?JK!!! We love what you're showing!!!! Keep it comin'! May your last work day be divine! Vik and Rico
Hello everyone. As most of you read, my bro posted a few days ago about how hard it was for him not being there. I have to agree. This is my first summer not going on missions since 2000 (that's a long time). But God needed me to go camping with the college group out here and help some others. However I did make chicken salad pitas and wear my Chow Crew shirt in honor of you all. And I almost cried a few times this week as well. Mel and Ryan, give my love to the Clarks and let them know how much I wish I could be with them. I am praying for you all. May the big shindig tonight go well.
we love and miss you guys, and SO wish that we could've joined you. we are praying for you all and are excited to read the updates daily. Izzy misses all her friends and loves to look at the pics.
BTW- no pressure, but I think that Baby Putney is waiting for y'all to come back before he or she decides to come out.
Flo & her Putneys
bring back the original writter!!! just kidding. good update sarah. i know i'm not darlie but to just have a fake name that rhymes with my real name included in the update has made my year. thanks. praying for thursday night (tonight). that God blesses the efforts you put out. that the dramas are performed well. that the pizza isn't too tempting. oh yeah and if that little tubby kid is around, seriously, push him over for me. take a picture of it. love you guys!
I am praying for your day today...that you will be able to finish up all of your projects and get prepared for the party tonight! May you all be shining with the light of the Lord for all of the Navajo to see!! Have a great time tonight and drive safely over the next few days. I love you all...
Thanks to all of the blog writters and photographers! It's been exhilerating seeing and hearing how God is using all of you and the seeds being planted. May God surround each of you as you finish your project days, His light shines through your performances tonight, and your journey home is safe, filled with laughter, fellowship and sweet memories.
Sending love, hugges and kisses to Teagan and Kaitlyn
Debbie Benson
Hi All,
Miss you all...I'm praying like crazy today especially for Sharon in the kitchen (and her crew), but for everyone else as well...that your projects would get finished and that throughout the day God would refresh you with energy for tonight's festivities...and that He would fill you with His Spirit to bless the Navajo...that they would see our dear Jesus through you all! Hi to my girls, Kayla and Ruthie...and love reach'in out to all of you from me...Cathy Farrar.
Please say hi to Clara and Alvin Bitsuie, Lula, and Ilene Howe for me and tell them I missed seeing them this year, but hope to come next year!
Hello everyone, today is the big day. I'm praying that God will sustain you and give you strength throughout the day to accomplish your work projects and to prepare for tonight. Kitchen crew I'm praying that God will give you a little quiet time today to just be with Him before tonights activities. God Bless, love and miss you all, Lynne
i'm so excited for what the Father is doing in and through you guys there...can't wait to hear about it. been praying for you all week...how awesome for you guys to have so many interceding on your behalf!
shout out to tony, spencer r., charlie n., stephen, and tyler. love you guys.
tim putney
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