Thursday, November 26, 2009

Belize '09 :Tuesday

Our days start out with wonderful breakfasts at 'The Snack Shack,' a little thatched roof 'hut' about a block away from the Caribbean. Today we were served Belizian scrambled eggs, sausage, and biscuits. Cathy, Ed, and I did devotions for the group-our topic was 'encouragement' and everyone wrote two letters of encouragement to other team members. After a short, but meaningful discussion we all split up into our groups for our daily service assignments. The education group went to another elementary school that was behind the Forest Home Dental Clinic and was once again was able to visit all the classrooms. The dental team was, as always, very busy and working hard. The work group (my group) fixed old desks that were literally falling apart at one of the schools. We started constructing a HUGE picnic table that the school children are helping us build. I can’t wait--it’s going to be great and the kids at the school will really get a lot of use out of it.

After school Children's Ministry has been going smoothly and kids are memorizing verses from Bible stories. We promised them a special prize for the efforts that we'll give out on Friday. So far they have had the verses Luke 10:27 and Genesis 1:1. Tonight we went back to Marenco’s for good ol' hamburgers and ice cream. For devotions we shared something that we've done on this outreach that we'd never experience before. I shared about using a skill saw for the first time. Then, before going to bed, a group of us played an intense game of 'Spoons.' Tomorrow the team is going to take the day off for some snorkeling with turtles and sharks while Chad, Dad, and I are going scuba diving! Thanks for all your support and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

~ Michael Chew

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