Thursday, November 26, 2009

Belize '09 Update: Thursday

It's been a great Thanksgiving day. We all agreed that it was one of the most meaningful Thanksgivings we've ever experienced. The dental team worked their longest most demanding day so far. The education team spoke at yet another school and were received so well by teachers and students alike. And the construction team has nearly completed all their projects for the week.

We still spend a lot of our time with the same group of local children--Clayton, Keith, Shadeen, Jamilla, Jameeka, Mikey, Anthony, Christian, Trevonn, Eliela, Daniel, Josephine, Ralph, John (and others that come around occasionally). Some of their stories are heartbreaking but yet they just love being near us, and soaking up our attention. There have been numerous to pray for them and talk with them about the gospel. Please pray that God will soften their hearts to really seek him and desire him as their Savior!

We actually enjoyed a turkey dinner tonight! I found a local restaurant that was serving ham, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, rice, and even pumpkin pie (all for $6.00 per person!). The restaurant was located right on the water and we enjoyed a cool breeze while we spent the evening devotion time sharing about all for which we have to give thanks--particularly as we spend this holiday in Belize. It was a memorable night and the team was very thankful for how we've bonded as a family (Rachel, Stephanie, and Kortney actually wrote a family tree of how we would all be related if we really were--it was quite humorous). God has been so good to us--we're blessed beyond measure.


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