Saturday, April 11, 2009

Safe and Happy in Bitburg, Germany

Some of our girls "playing" flight attendant during our 11 hour flight
A little downtime in Trier
Nicole and Tiffany 

....just wanted to write a quick update to let you all know that we arrived safely in Germany. We had a great flight and sailed through customs. We were met at the airport by our very own Lauren Wallace with two vans provided by our gracious hosts Roger and Sheila Nielson. 

Roger and Sheila work with Cadence International (, a ministry that reaches out to the military community around the world to share the gospel. Here in Landsheid, Germany, Roger and Sheila have a hospitality home where they have young men and women based here in Germany over several times a week for Bible studies, dinner and just fun "hang out" time. This week we are the grateful recipients of their hospitality!  

Our drive into Bitburg from the airport in Frankfurt took about two hours. After unloading our gear into our rooms here at the Nielson's we traveled about 30 minutes into Trier, the oldest town in Germany. We had a delightful day hanging out with some of the students and leaders in Lauren's Young Life club...we even got to pretend we were gladiators at an ancient amphitheater!

We had a delicious dinner prepared by Sheila. Most of us were, by then, barely able to keep our eyes open, but we were challenged by our devo team tonight (Tim, Lea and Natalie) to be diligent in taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits. They shared scriptures with us from Ephesians and Corinthians reminding each of us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and to be actively putting on the whole armor of God. be continued tomorrow! Thank you all for your prayers on our behalf. Please do post notes and comments on the blog...we'll be updating and checking it daily! 

Happy Easter to you all...our Lord is RISEN! 


Anonymous said...

hey all! miss you guys and i'm praying for your ministry in germany. love you to pieces. give lauren a huge hug and big kiss for me :)


Unknown said...

Guten Tag, Stephen, und frohe Ostern! It is a bright Easter morning in Pleasanton and only Ginger is still asleep. We are glad to hear you all made it safely. We pray you will be available for all God has for you there. Here are two good German words: "Gnade" (pronounced ge-nah-da) means "grace" as in Eph 2:8-9; and "Barmherzigkeit" means "mercy" as in Psalm 23 "goodness and mercy will follow me..." We know God's grace and mercy are with you! Love, Dad and Mom G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys. Glad to know you made it to Bitburg and also visited Trier. My family came from Trier to the US about 150 years ago. There are still a lot of Fries in Trier and the Moselle Valley. We have been praying for you and know that God will bless you all. Earle Fries