Hello friends!
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, we have very very limited internet access and it has been a difficult task. All 19 vehicles arrived safely late Sat night. Pulling in to the rez felt just like home to many of us and the start of a new adventure for all of us. Sunday we hiked to Greenvalley ( aka mini grand canyon) for Morning Watch (devo's) & communion and had time back at the mission for drama/dance prep as well as time to rest before our long week ahead of us. Monday we all got assigned out work sites..there are about 20 different work projects( including our "lifeline" prayer team, our "foodles" who work in the kitchen and our TLC - hospitality krew) so we are keeping plenty busy. The basketball camp is a hit this year with over 40 kids attending! The kids have been great and the coaches are running a tight ship. It was super hot yesterday but we are thankful for the beautiful clouds in the sky today. During devotional time this week, we are all sharing our 2 minute testimonies. What a great group of people to serve with! Feel free to ask us about them when we get back! Check out facebook.com/VBCHSM for more updates and pictures!

Glad to see our "Markie-man" working so hard. Have fun Mark. Been praying for you everyday.
Love to all,
Mom & Fam.
whats the phone number to call for updates and/or leave messages???
someone who misses you guys!
Ashley-Bea -
Loved seeing how happy you look on day 3 in a photo posted on facebook.
We miss you like CRAZY!!
Mom, Dad, Veronica & Dante
Praising the Lord for you all! Thanks for the updates. =)
Hi All from Cathy (Farrar). Evan, you look so happy in the sun during Sunday morning service! You crack me up! Praying for Blake right now...keep us posted on his status please. Love you Junie!!!! Thank you for the notes that you all sent my way via Jenna and Becky Pine last Thursday...they brightened my day! Hugs to all!
Attention Timothy Vance Barley or Kyle Clark your truck has a flat front drivers side tire. Let me know if you want me to change it or at least put a block under it so it does not ruin the rim.
Attention Timothy Vance Barley or Kyle Clark your truck has a flat front drivers side tire. Let me know if you want me to change it or at least put a block under it so it does not ruin the rim.
Awww, all new people! I miss AZ. I just love that y'all are loving on the Navajo's. They have such a special place in my heart. Praying for y'all (can you tell that I am from the South yet?) Haha
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Loved the put up, can make me feel bad about how normal ours is. I’d be interested to see the CTR/Conversion rates from some of them.
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