Arrived at Emmanuel Mission

tired. . .
weary. . .
a bit sore. . .
but in GRAND spirits.
none left behind.
no shark attacks.
photos and journey details coming tomorrow.
This blog features information, stories, videos, and photos from Valley Bible Church missions and outreach opportunities.
The Bugman is lovin' the "friend" you saw in Kingman yesterday - he's thinking that someone should bring home some specimens:) As he always asks, What "invisible quality of God can be clearly seen" in his creation of tarantulas?? Romans 1:20
Praying for a blessed day for all you fabulous ambassadors of God!
Amy Sidebottom
I love looking at the pictures and I wish I was there! Have a great trip and I am praying for you all! You are AWEEEEEESOME!!
with love and butterflies
Glad you guys made it safe! Wish I was there! Hope you all are having a wonderful time! Hope you are loving that AZ heat. Praying for your time :)
Hey Shannon Girls, We miss you. Matt says "don't take too many pictures with your bandana" We want more pictures... Brody misses you. Mitchell and Kelly came over for dinner last night> Mitchell really liked your bike Kortney. Take lots of pix. Love you and praying for you all! Love, Momma & Matt and Brody
Hey Tara S! Glad you all made it! Aaron left for camp today! He's excited/nervous! Can't wait to see more pic and info on what you are doing!
Love you - Mom and Dad
Praying for all of you. Hope your time is enjoyable and fruitful.
We miss you Aspen!
Michael, and Serafina,
We miss you guys. I wish I could talk to you to know all is well. You know I how much I worry. Have a great time and show the Navajo people GODS LOVE. WE LOVE YOU GUYS. Be safe.
Love, Mom and Dad
I know it's going to be hard for anyone to know who is Khalil!!!
I missed you and your iphone teasing all the time !!
We are trying to stay busy with Elias and Mariam so that I won't miss you... but it's not happening!
I miss you my BIG Baby!! I hope you are taking care of yourself with the sunscreen and your brother too!! Love you lots
and miss you sooo much...
God bless you ALL and all that you do.
I love your picture with the orange bandana....send us more of your pictures.
Love, Mama and Papa
P.s. just incase- Khalil is Charlie Nino :)
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