This blog features information, stories, videos, and photos from Valley Bible Church missions and outreach opportunities.
Hello my fellow blog followers. Sorry for not updating the blog since Tuesday because we have been extremely busy!!! So since our last post we have finished up our work projects on the mission and off the mission. Wednesday we put the finishing touches on the projects and went to our Navajo families houses for the last time and invited them to the pizza party last night (thurs.)
On thurday we finished our projects by noon and started preparing for the pizza party later that night. We were all anxious to preform our dramas and interact with the Navajo for our last night serving them. This night was a great success!!!! We had a huge turnout from the community that came to our party. The dramas were preformed perfectly and really showed the message of Jesus in an interesting way. Jerry (one of the mission staff) gave a gospel message while our very own Cody used his amazing drawing skills to give a visual on what Jerry was talking about. We ended our night by saying our goodbyes to our Navajo families and got all their contact info. This was an epic night that God provided for us to further his kingdom.
Earier today we left the mission and headed to our recreation options. As I type right now we our in a church in Sedona that overlooks the beautiful red rocks (but its night so I cannot see anything). Our agenda for tomorrow is we will head to Grasshopper Point where we will perform baptisms and have our morning devo time. We will then head back to Kingman and have our last night together as a team.
We will try to update or send pictures to Dan and he will update it because of a lack of Internet connections.
Pics to follow. . .
So today was a great day! God blessed us with nice cool weather. Many of our offsite projects consist of building and painting things. The basketball staff and some of the Navajo had a very competitive but God-focused basketball game after lunch. Right now we’re having free time and some people are showering, playing basketball, and taking a nice nap. Anyway we’re getting ready for dinner and after dinner we’ll all be heading to our kids club sites. By the way - this is Patrick Colin Espiritu and sitting to my right is the amazing Rachel Howden. As I am typing right now she is making me a bracelet. This morning, I and five other people, gave a devotional on what focusing on God looks like and how we can have a heart that thrives for the Lord. Kirsten Kline supplied a testimony that a lot of other people found encouraging! The blog admin team is booting me off because I am typing too much! But I hope everyone is doing well in CALIFORNIA!!! Can’t wait to come home! Miss you and love you guys!
Greetings Valley Bible community! God is so good. Thus far the trip has been absolutely incredible. God’s love has been poured over all of us and the blessings are countless. With servants’ hearts, we are all giving up ourselves in many ways, hot and tired we press on. As we encounter personal struggles, we continue to learn and grow, seeking God despite any physical and emotional circumstances. (“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” James 1:12.) For God works greatly through out pain and difficulties. I’m so amazed by the work God is doing in his children here in Arizona. Everywhere I look I see the Spirit moving and there is nothing more exciting and encouraging to me than that. Continually smiling down on his people, God has provided us with more and more testimonies that acknowledge His awesome power. He has healed many of us physically and emotionally, forever holding true to His promises. Thank you so much for all your prayers and please continue to pray for all of us here, our journey, and the Navajo.
Attention James Foster – Hey Pop! Thinking of you today – wanted to wish you a very, very happy birthday! We are Soooo glad that you were born. “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Phil 1:3). Bless you, Dad.
Hi My Love,
I am having an incredible trip. It has been great getting to know the students, leaders and the Navajo families that we have been working with. Last night we went to the Clark family home and had a time of fellowship and bible study. I was able to share the story of how God’s leading brought me on the trip at the last minute.. it was great. God is definitely at work in my life through this opportunity.
I miss you so much. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday night when we return.
Hi Jackson! Hi Helena! I miss you too! I hope you are all having a great week and have a great time at Grandpa Matt’s and Grandma Kris. Jackson, I have been taking good notes and pictures every day. You are going to love to hear about the trip when I get home.
Hugs, kisses and my Love to everyone!
To my honey,
I miss you. I love you. And I will see you soon I’m having a great time up here.
Lots of hugs and kisses to my grandkids!
Love your honey,
Hi Becky,
I cannot tell you HOW MUCH I am missing you. Mission trips are a lot easier when you are along; particularly the sleeping. You cannot believe the snoring. Our trip has been totally amazing. The Navajo are so gentle and humble. We could all be better Christian if we learned a few of their ways. Can hardly wait to share all the stories.