Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Belize Outreach '08 - Last Day - Nov 25

Bright and early we had French toast at the Snack Shack. The education team and dental team took our places early to get in as much work done as possible.
The education team taught 2 more classes on dental hygiene. After the presentations, the team headed to DaWata Fountain and helped Maylin catalog some books so that kids could check them out. After lunch, they returned to the school to hold volleyball clinics for the older classes. The teachers and staff presented Belize key chains to the education team as a thanks.

The dental team worked at a furious pace all day. Dr. Gong saw some of the hardest, wiggliest, most scared patients we’d seen all week. A lady who had arrived at 10am that morning to get a cleaning appointment, gave her appointment up to her own brother. Amy took the brother and completed an extensive 2 hour deep teeth cleaning on wobbly teeth. Amy explained that she did the best she could, but that he would probably loose a couple of teeth. Even after enduring 2 hours of deep cleaning, this man wept with gratitude and gave hugs and thanks to everyone. The dental team left feeling satisfaction for the day’s work. In all we saw 103 patients, did 20 extractions, 93 fillings, 69 cleanings, 12 consultations, repaired 1 denture and had 4 runners. (people who found out they had to get a shot, and suddenly had “other” places to be!)

That night we had our favorite rice and beans, plantains, fish and chicken at Marian’s. We shared our favorite funny moments around the dinner table – fleeing from spiders, holding wet children, Amy yelping from being bitten by fish, Tim teaching flossing.

We were able to close the evening by sitting on a roof deck, overlooking the ocean and sharing words of gratitude and appreciation. Everyone was so thankful that God gave us the opportunity to join in His Plan for Belize.

We closed the evening with Rachel Howden's baptism in the Carribean Sea. We used our headlights to illuminate the event. We went to bed that night with fond memories and pondering our future roles as missionaries in Punta Gorda.

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